

Amazing Benefits Of Coding For Kids

Coding has emerged as a crucial set of skills in today's computerised world, where creativity is a necessary component of daily life. Coding for kids (โค้ดดิ้งเด็ก, which is the term in Thai) has greatly increased in popularity as a teaching tool. It is not just for professionals and software developers....

INI-CET 2024: Preparation Strategy

 The Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INI-CET) is one of the most prestigious medical entrance exams to help an undergrad sail through his/her career as a Top Doc. INI-CET 2024 is scheduled to take place on 5th November 2023. It is mandatory for the candidates to possess a certificate...
Independent Educational Evaluation

What is an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)?

If you or your child has a disability and is struggling in school, an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) can be a valuable tool in obtaining the appropriate accommodations and services needed to succeed. This guide will provide an overview of the IEE process and how it relates to testng accommodations...
Reasons Why Parents Choose Childcare for Their Kids

Reasons Why Parents Choose Childcare for Their Kids

Childcare means looking after children in the absence of parents or guardians. Childcare is required when minor children in the home need to be cared for. When the parents are not working, the caregiver will act as a second parent. Parents must supervise their children when they need to spend...

The Frame of Mind That Every Student Should Have

A person's mindset is their set of assumptions about their own strengths and weaknesses. Carol Dweck, who researched how people feel about their capacity to learn, established a continuum in which "fixed mindsets" sit on one end and "growth mindsets" on the other. While acknowledging that people vary in cognitive...
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