
The different approach to make when doing research

There are types of research methods in medical, engineering, management, and more. In the fields of study, there are kinds of methods that are accessible and understanding. These methods will help you to pick the right method in your study. You can have many ways to group the types of research. You can have thesis writing services to help you in your study. The words that you are using will depend on what you describe in your research. Mostly the approach will take on the followings:

  • Type of data you will analyze and collect
  • Sampling methods and location of the study
  • Type of knowledge you want to make

Types of study methods


The experimental research is shown with a scientific approach. That is where a set of variables are stable. While the other set of variables are measured as the topic of the experiment. Sometimes you don’t have the right amount of data to base your option. In some situations, you need to achieve the experiments to see the results. Experimental research is collecting lots of data. To assist you to have better results.


The reason for the survey method is asking people on a certain topic and naming their responses. While in business research this method is the main data collection that is used to make. The customer satisfaction, run segmentation research, and considering the attitude of people. This kind of method is used in a qualitative and quantitative approach. It also has two reasons:

  • Definition of specific aspects or details of population
  • Assess the hypotheses about the relationships within the population

The survey method is divided into 3 parts. The telephone survey, mail survey, and personal interview. The surveys include gathering information that is from huge groups of people. There are distinct types of surveys. There is a straightforward type that is getting a sample to people at a certain time. The other type is the before and after survey. People will have a survey before they get to experience it. And they will answer the survey once they experience it.


It is a good way to get information from a huge number of people and those people who don’t have time to get an interview. They let people take their time to think and return the questionnaires later on. The associated can form their feelings without knowing about the reaction. Although there are people that are still given to try a suitable answer. They need to answer it truthfully to have resulted from their study.

Types of questionnaires

Unstructured questionnaires

It is qualitative data. And the questionnaires are simple structures and connecting questions. And it does not limit the actions of the surveyee. It is an open-ended question.

Structured questionnaires

It is quantitative data. It is designed to gather certain information. The results in the supplement data, checking the data and supporting the hypothesis.

Types of questions


This type of question gathers all the qualitative data in the questionnaire. The surveyee can answer freely without any boundaries.

Multiple choice

It is a type of close-ended question. In which the surveyee needs to choose one or several answers from the choices. It contains questions, incorrect or right answers, and close options.


It is a yes or no answer. It is used in some cases that need to have a simple validation which is the simplest questionnaire.

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