An English speaking app is a one-stop platform to get a rich and immersive educational experience. Language learning experts from all over the world carefully craft the application and provide spoken challenges and feedback. It helps students recognize different words, grammatical constructs, rhythm, and English flow. In addition, the mini-games available on the platform offer reading and to listen, allowing learners to get comfortable with each skill.
Benefits Of Using A Learning App:
- We can attend daily live classes for free on speaking, reading, listening and writing.
- It gives us hundreds of question sets to practice regularly and improve our speaking skills with peers across India through speaking rooms.
- Several practice tests and mock tests are available on the English learning platform. After giving the test, they provide the performance analysis to help us score good marks on the final exam.
- Virtual learners get daily word of the day to improve their vocabulary and grammar and English pronunciation tips with the app’s help.
- We can download the app and enroll in a long crash course for learning English quickly in fifty to sixty hours. The system mainly contains high quality recorded video or audio lectures and study materials that we can access according to our convenience.
Why Should We Join An Online English Learning Platform?
- Increase Your English Proficiency:
World-class experts are available on the platform to design a speech test for all the virtual learners. They also provide a detailed report of our pronunciation strengths and weaknesses after taking the test. Therefore, a learning app helps us learn a new language very quickly.
- Become An Expert In English:
- It allows us to learn English with an artificial intelligence coach. The primary role of the AI coach is to select the best and most well-designed lessons to help us sound like native speakers.
- We can easily practice from more than thousands of lessons covering all English sounds and different topics ranging from travel tips to job interviews to explore.
- An English dictionary is available on the app to look up words and use in our essay writing. We can also see how we perform when compared to a native speaker and receive feedback to improve.
- Improve Your Speaking Challenges:
- It allows practising English with fun language games that cover core English skills like vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, word stress, rhythm, intonation, reading, writing, listening and conversation.
- We receive instructions on correcting ourselves and getting feedback on other sounds through an advanced feature like IPA.
- There are many videos available on the app that show us how to produce different challenging sounds.
- Become A Bilingual:
- The secret to being bilingual is practising in bite-sized lessons and receiving meaningful feedback from expert educators.
- We must cover essential topics to become a pro: everyday English conversation, basic English phrases, job interviews, travel 101, foreign culture, etc.
Nowadays, most English speaking apps provide customized training to improve our pronunciation. In addition, there are various tracking tools available on the platform to help us see our progress in all essential skills, including speaking, listening, writing & conversation.