Your access to critical faculties, an admiration of literary works, a comprehension of cultures, the application of power, riddles of the mind, the structure of communities, the difficulties of the current leader, the art of information exchange, and the contest of change are the main goals of a liberal arts education. Your future career will benefit from all of these talents. Because of this, degrees in the humanities are highly valued throughout the world, and those who hold them are the foundation of civilization. Learn from the top to obtain your music diploma!
While some programmes prepare you for a particular vocation, others provide you the abilities you need for a variety of jobs. The faculty can help you develop a variety of skills necessary for the constantly evolving job market, including language competency, communication skills, creativity, and critical thinking.
Bring your passion for music to a new level. Your hobby could become a career for the rest of your life with a certification in music. Get a jumpstart with us either your goal is to become the next big performer or the brains behind shows and performance that win awards.
With a very well music school with an EduTrust certification and registration with Singapore’s Review panel for Private School education (CPE), SOMA only employs the best teachers in the area, whether they are Berklee University of Music alums. With our cutting-edge infrastructure and top-notch curriculum, we work to give students the best learning experience possible.
Choose the best software for your requirements.
Along with a variety of comprehensive and portion musical diploma programmes, you can find certificate programmes, concert band studios, as well as other courses to suit your goals and timetable. There is a program developed for all levels and genres with both Classic Performing Labs and Modern Performing Laboratories. Our Dancing Production Labs also provide kid-friendly K-Pop dancing lessons!
With the help of our recognised music Diploma Programs, you would be able to follow your vocation and turn it into a lucrative career. The relevant full-time and portion courses are available at our institution:
- Music technology and composition
- Songs and music composition, as well as live band
- Our music school is undoubtedly your first choice to polish your skills thanks to a thorough program and an accommodating schedule.
- You will learn more about music and be better able to pick what route you want your profession to go if you are exposed to as numerous different music styles as you can. You can evaluate your musicality, engage with audience, and learn about new musical concepts by attending live performances and by performing yourself.
- Participate in performances by, for instance, establishing a music organization at your university and other music organisations including choirs, symphonies, groups, and performing arts.
Work experience are a component of several uni courses in disciplines like arts integration and technical instruction, recording and studios work, composing, and event organization.You might also look into employment chances with organisations that are involved with music, such as universities, music festivals, or places that frequently host musical performances.