A person’s mindset is their set of assumptions about their own strengths and weaknesses. Carol Dweck, who researched how people feel about their capacity to learn, established a continuum in which “fixed mindsets” sit on one end and “growth mindsets” on the other. While acknowledging that people vary in cognitive abilities, the mentality continuum is based on the idea that everyone may improve their IQ through hard work and dedication.
A growth mindset is helpful for learning since it is related to self-efficacy, help-seeking behavior, and the efficient use of cognitive methods, but there is limited data to indicate a direct benefit on academic outcomes and accomplishment. Every person has a combination of fixed and development mindsets, with each person often adopting a different mindset depending on the subject being studied. The trick is to become aware of when you’re falling into a fixed mindset and actively work to replace it with a growth attitude.
Find out what you’re good at.
It’s in our nature as humans to want to improve our shortcomings. However, a person’s success and happiness can be significantly impacted by their awareness of, and investment in, their strengths. Now the question is, how can you rethink this?
Deb Levy claims that there are numerous resources available within positive psychology. The Character Strengths Test developed by the VIA Institute on Character is one such tool for self-evaluation. The test gives users an unbiased look at their strengths and areas for improvement by ranking them from best to worst.
Use initiative.
As you progress through secondary school, university, and into the working world, you’ll notice that less and fewer possibilities present themselves. Instead, it is up to you to track them down. Just a few of the many possibilities available to you are shown here.
- Instructor assistance
- Taking part in events and pursuits
- Possibilities for giving back
- Internships
- Jobs
Don’t be reluctant to initiate contact.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again; don’t let failure discourage you. Feeling down about it is acceptable, but you must then critically examine it.
You are not alone.
This is a helpful reminder whether you’re doing well or not. Never forget that you are not alone in your feelings or your successes. Know that you are not alone in your feelings of disorientation and confusion, no matter how profound they may be. You are not an outlier in a world full of achievers, and things will improve.
Keep these things in mind and remember to also have fun while doing this. Checkout kisacademics’ vce online course. Good luck on your school life. School may be hard, and that’s why you need to persevere. There are a lot of ways to answer all the query you have in mind. You just have to look at the right place.